Home News by Skopje2028 📚 Librarians Recommend 📚

📚 Librarians Recommend 📚

📚 Librarians Recommend 📚

👉 We are continuing our “Librarians Recommend” campaign! This time, we feature “Memento for Istanbul” by renowned Turkish author Ahmet Umit.

Written by Boban Ristevski, librarian at the Rajko Zinzifov Library (Lisice settlement), this gripping novel combines a thrilling crime story with a deep historical exploration of Istanbul. The narrative not only delves into a suspense-filled plot but also offers rich insights into the city’s fascinating history, giving the story an added layer of depth and intrigue.

📖 Available at all GBSK libraries!

Don’t miss out on this multi-layered read that blends crime, history, and culture. Check it out today!

#LibrariansRecommend #BookOfTheMonth #MementoForIstanbul #AhmetUmit #CrimeThriller #HistoricalFiction #GBSKLibraries #RajkoZinzifovLibrary #BooksAndCulture