Featuring a top domestic solo team led by our first-timer Ana Durlovski in the lead role, Marjan Jovanoski, Gjorgji Cuckovski, Nikola Stojceski, Aleksandar Stefanoski, Marika Popovic and
Jane Dunimagloski.
The Choir and Orchestra of the National Opera and Ballet.
In this psychologically fascinating opera, Lucia loses her sanity, kills her groom and finally succumbs to madness in one of the opera’s most tragic and musically dramatic scenes.
Info for the author and soloist team in the description of the event @ [559183600177782: 844: LUCIA OD LAMMERMOOR / LUCIA DI LAMMERMOUR – G. Donizetti]and on www.operabalet.mk
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Publication of the second, supplemented and expanded edition of "Liberalism in Macedonia: 1966 – 1974" by Neven Radički, released by Makedonika Litera.
This edition offers...