Home News by Skopje2028 First meeting of the Coordination Body “SKOPJE 2028 – Candidate for European Capital of Culture”

First meeting of the Coordination Body “SKOPJE 2028 – Candidate for European Capital of Culture”

First meeting of the Coordination Body “SKOPJE 2028 – Candidate for European Capital of Culture”

On July 21, 2021, in the big hall of the Skopje City Council the first meeting of the Coordination Body “SKOPJE 2028 – Candidate for European Capital of Culture” was held.

The purpose of this first meeting was to inform the members of the Coordination Body about the development and implementation of the candidacy of the City of Skopje for European Capital of Culture for 2028 and the activities that have been realized, the ongoing activities and those that will follow. At the meeting, the members of the Coordination Body discussed the complexity and the gravity of the candidacy and the need for a common vision and action that will contribute to the developmental change for the city through culture and the need for cross-sector integrative action with other public sectors.

Skopje City Council on July 6, 2021, adopted the Decision on the establishment of the Coordination Body “SKOPJE 2028 – Candidate for European Capital of Culture” (text in Macedonian and Albanian) consisting of a President, a Vice President and 19 members – representatives of the Government, the Ministry of Culture, the City of Skopje (local government administration), the public city cultural institutions, as well as the national institutions on the territory of the city, and representatives of the civil society.