Publication of the second, supplemented and expanded edition of “Liberalism in Macedonia: 1966 – 1974” by Neven Radički, released by Makedonika Litera.
This edition offers an in-depth look into the political dynamics of Macedonia during the late 1960s and early 1970s, a time marked by growing national, economic, and political differences within the Yugoslav federation. The book delves into the challenges faced by liberal-oriented officials, who, advocating for democratization, the development of Macedonia, and the protection of Macedonian national interests, found themselves at odds with the conservative factions in the Yugoslav Communist Party. Tito, with support from these conservative circles, took decisive action to remove these figures from power, turning the political conflict into a struggle for influence and personal discreditation.
🔍 Key Updates in the New Edition:
- Two new chapters have been added, including a focus on the student activities at the University of Skopje in 1968 and the Albanian demonstrations in Macedonia that same year.
- The author has utilized new sources, including both published and unpublished materials, memoirs, and journalism, some of which were previously unavailable.
- The text has undergone adjustments and updates, mostly technical in nature, offering a refined perspective on the events and issues discussed.
🔬 About the Author:
Neven Radički (born 1979, Skopje) is a distinguished historian specializing in the history of the Macedonian people and the modern Macedonian state after World War II. He earned his master’s degree and doctoral degree at the Institute of National History in Skopje, where he currently works. His research focuses on the socio-political, cultural, and economic conditions in Macedonia within the context of the Yugoslav federation (1944-1991).
This book is essential reading for those interested in the complex history of Macedonian liberalism and the broader political currents of the time.
🌍 Get your copy now!
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