Join us today at 18:00 at Metanoja Gallery for an enlightening lecture on “Film Objectology”, a theory developed by author Vasil Mihail. This innovative theory focuses on the role of objects in cinematic artistic expression, showing how everyday objects within the film frame can transform into powerful visual carriers of meaning, emotion, and narrative.
In his book Film Objectology, Mihail introduces a new way of understanding how objects interact with people, turning them into essential elements in storytelling. The lecture will explore how objects, in different contexts, can convey profound emotional and metaphysical messages, linking the cinematic frame to the spiritual space of the temple.
- Vasil Mihail
- Kosta Milkov
This is a unique opportunity to delve into the deeper cultural and spiritual significance of objects in cinema.
Date and Time:
- Today at 18:00
- Metanoja Gallery
- Free and open to the public!
Don’t miss out on this thought-provoking event!